Our company offers heating and air conditioning wiring services tailored to commercial and industrial needs. We install duct heaters, furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioners and rooftop units. With our expertise, we guarantee efficient and reliable systems, ensuring optimal comfort while respecting safety standards. Entrust us with your projects for increased energy performance.
We offer complete emergency lighting solutions to ensure the safety of your commercial and industrial facilities. Our services include the installation of battery units, “Running Man” signs and combo units. These systems ensure clear visibility and safe evacuation in the event of a power outage. With our expertise, we ensure that your space meets safety standards while providing peace of mind to your employees and customers.
We offer energy-efficient lighting solutions to optimize your commercial and industrial spaces. Our services include the installation of LED flat panels, LED vapor tight, LED strip lights and LED high bay fixtures. These technologies reduce energy consumption while improving the brightness and quality of lighting. Choose our solutions to reduce your energy costs and promote a more sustainable and pleasant work environment.
We offer comprehensive services for transformers, machinery and equipment for commercial and industrial environments. Our services include installation, wiring and maintenance of complex electrical systems. With our expertise, we ensure safe and efficient commissioning, while ensuring regular maintenance to prevent breakdowns and optimise performance. Trust our team to ensure reliable operation of your essential equipment.
We provide backup power solutions to ensure the continuity of your commercial and industrial operations. Our services include the installation and wiring of generators, emergency panels and transfer switches. These systems ensure a smooth transition to backup power in the event of an outage, protecting your equipment and data. Trust our expertise to provide you with peace of mind and reliability in all circumstances.
We offer electrical consulting services to support your commercial and industrial projects. Our on-site visits, in collaboration with designers, engineers, contractors and clients, allow us to understand your specific needs and propose tailor-made solutions. Thanks to our expertise, we ensure an efficient design that complies with current standards, guaranteeing the success of your electrical installations. Trust our team for professional support throughout your project.